Monday, February 19, 2018


Hi students,

It's mid-term time.  

It's a computer lab spreadsheet exercise using Excel. 

Your objective is to determine the firm value of Len and Jen's Bake Shop business.

Download the spreadsheet by clicking on this link.

Follow the instructions under the Start tab.  Work your way from left to right using the tabs of the spreadsheet.  

If you get stuck, ask questions.

Good luck.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Case Study: Yummy Pizza - Setting Prices and Quantity and Calculating Profit Margins

In this case study, we'll assume that we're the owners of Yummy Pizza shop.  

We need to determine how many pizzas we should bake and sell per day, as well as how much we should charge for each pie.

Last, we'll calculate the profit margin of our pizzeria.

Here is the link for the case study spreadsheet. 

Bon apetit!